People of faith are uniquely positioned to talk to their communities about end-of-life care and options. Faith leaders have been at the forefront of educating, advocating and empowering people from all walks of life to prepare for the end of life. 

As faith leaders, knowing how to talk about options ranging from pre-death planning to hospice to medical aid in dying will provide a framework for improving the lives of your community. 

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Faith Webinars

Catholics For Compassion - Living and Dying According to Conscience

Black History Month Webinar: End-of-Life Empowerment and the Faith Community


Voices of Our Faith Leaders

Harnessing courage, compassion and prophetic imagination, our faith leaders have spoken powerfully about end-of-life planning and choice. 

By doing the hard work of preparing and documenting your end-of-life wishes, it lessens the responsibility of your loved ones to make tough decisions later. End-of-life planning is an excellent parting gift to bestow on your loved ones.

Learn more.